New Kid On The Expat Block!

New Kid On The Expat Block!

In the last few months a new expat website appeared online. I am not necessarily talking about a blog created by people living overseas and sharing their experience but rather a blog geared towards the expats community and people living abroad. It is called Expats...
Lesson From A Taxi Driver

Lesson From A Taxi Driver

Lesson From A Taxi Driver I just read a poignant story and now feel compelled to share it with you. It has little to do with online entrepreneurship and living overseas but has everything to do with being patient, giving people time to learn and things to grow. In...
Create a simple contact form for your blog

Create a simple contact form for your blog

  Which is the best contact form for a blog? Your Contact Me Page is an essential part of any professional blog. Once set up, it will make it easier for your readers to get in touch, it is better to have a Contact Me page with a simple form rather than publishing...