Should I do it alone?

Great Followers Make The Best Leaders! Wait, it doesn’t make sense! Or does it? Actually, it makes complete sense. Would you follow someone who is a failure? Would you rather team up with a team of successful people and learn from them? Yes, totally! The same...

Blogging – Confused on where to start?

As mentioned in a previous post – To blog or not to blog, if you are serious about building your personal brand online, you will need a blog! This idea of building your own online brand may be new to you but there are many things you should ask yourself before...
FAQ – Expatriation And Online Businesses

FAQ – Expatriation And Online Businesses

I have decided to start a new video series answering many of your Expatriation and online businesses questions. As I get more and more people getting in touch with me and often asking for the same information, I have decided to create this video series to answer these...

To Blog Or Not To Blog

We talked previously about starting your own blog and you would have realised by now that you won’t be able to escape it… You Need a Blog! Actually the question isn’t whether or not you need a blog but if you are serious about building your personal...
Facebook Timeline – love or hate?

Facebook Timeline – love or hate?

This week Facebook is changing all the personal accounts with the new Timeline design.  As with any change, many people are unhappy, complaining and unsure of what to do and others are very enthusiasts about the new design and some even came up with some creative...