Online Exposure

Participating on other people’s blog and website is a good way to connect with more people – whether they are would-be , future and current expats. On my site, I’ve already shared many Expat Entrepreneur Success Stories to show you that there are...
How to grow your business via social media

How to grow your business via social media

Are you looking for some social media tips to grow your small business? Are you a travel writer, a blogger, a freelancer, a web designer, a photographer, a translator or the owner of a small travel or expat business? Whether you run your business in your home country...

Cyber Monday deals for expats

€¥B€R MONDAY D€A£$ Exclusive offers to Anywhere in the World Subscribers Unless you were totally cut off the world and didn’t have access to the internet over the weekend, you have probably heard of the crazy scenes which took place in shopping malls across the...

5 reasons why expats are better networkers

Fellow Expatriate, do you consider yourself a good Networker? The official definition of Networking is the exchange of information or services among individuals, groups, or institutions; specifically : the cultivation of productive relationships for employment or...
How Skype Transformed My Expat Life

How Skype Transformed My Expat Life

Skype has totally changed my life and has abolished so many barriers, physical and emotional, the kind of barriers that any expat will experience at some point in their adventure abroad. I wouldn’t say that I felt the same need at the beginning of my expatriation some...