Marketing Marketing Marketing – Focus on these 3

Whether you run your coaching business in person or online or in any of the hybrid versions in-between, the growth of your practice will primarily depend on your marketing efforts and the compound effect of your actions over time. Whether you like it or not, marketing should always be on your radar when running a business (whether you do it yourself, delegate to your team or hire externally).
Doing marketing and doing it right is one of the most important parts of your coaching business, as, without it, you’re never going to get anywhere. You’re not going to attract new clients on a regular basis, it’s going to be hard to hang on to your existing ones, and you’re not going to be able to push your business forward.
In this article, I’m going to be talking about some of the marketing areas that you should be focusing on and making it the best it could possibly be. Keep reading down to find out more.
Know your Ideal client
Who do you want to work with? The first thing that you should be doing is understanding your clients’ struggles and what makes you the right person to help them.
Knowing your ideal client (understanding their issues, knowing where they’re at and the transformation they’re desperately seeking) is an important step when setting up a business.
Over the years, it’s an exercise that I’ve been doing over and over again for my own business and with my corporate and coaching clients. You may know it as a customer avatar or buyer persona. One important tip, remember to pick just one person!
Once done, it will become a central piece of marketing for the overall strategy of your
business. It will help you make your services and courses irresistible to your audience as your message will be in tune with their desires (from speaking the same language to understanding their problems and offering the perfect solutions to them).
If you’re looking for external resources, Hubspot has written extensively on this subject. I also wrote about defining your ideal client on this blog, here and I also created this free guide on creating your dream client profile.
Build the ‘Know, Like and Trust’ factor
Running an online business is great, but since anyone can do it, anywhere in the world, there’s an invisible barrier that you need to break when you get started. It is that people don’t know you and therefore will judge you on first impression, on appearances (what you’re actually showing), on what they can perceive from you when they first land your website or on your social media accounts. What will make people hire you or buy your courses for example will be down to whether or not you’ve been able to give them the “know, like and trust” factor.
There are many ways to do this and branding will be one of these elements but there are a lot of factors as well such as creating videos, running a Facebook group, creating your own podcast or being invited on other people’s podcasts, investing in a brand design with a professional brand strategist, creating a stunning website, getting professional pictures, writing articles for a well-known media outlet or getting featured on sites such as Forbes or, etc.
One area that can easily be overlooked but that is also important is your office set-up. To look the part, you really need to dedicate an area of your home as an office. Answering emails from your kitchen countertop is fine but for video filming, taking coaching calls with clients and doing live calls for your group, you’ll need to find the right space in your home.
There are many interior designers who do remote consultation for online business owners and guide them on how to arrange their room to make it look more professional. With the pandemic, real estate agents all around the world have noticed a huge rise in the requirements for home office space as part of the brief from homebuyers looking to purchase a house. It doesn’t matter is you’re on a sunny island in the Caribbean, in London or a 600-people community in Canada, go to site to see some beautiful houses that make you want to work there and grow your coaching business.
Build relationships with your audience
I always say that marketing is about building relationships with your audience. Having your website, your social media accounts set up and creating content is the bare minimum but very quickly you’ll want to start engaging with your audience. This has to be a 2-way communication.
So how do you start conversations with strangers online? The trick isn’t to start a conversation with strangers. If you’ve focused on the 2 previous points – you’d know exactly who you want to talk to, what about and how to attract them to you. By the time they start a conversation with you you’re not really strangers anymore, at least for them.
If social media is your main platform of communication, then ensure that you’re posting content that engage with your followers, not just educate them but engage them in conversations, share their own experience, respond to survey, ask questions and even will make them laugh.
“People won’t remember what you said but how you made them feel.”
But social media isn’t the only way to engage with your audience. Email marketing in my opinion is even more powerful (I already hear you say “Of course Sabine, you’d say that since you’re an email marketer!”). But it’s my 20 years in marketing and communication that makes me be so confident with this statement.
I wrote about getting started with email marketing and even created a free guide (yes, another one!) on creating an irresistible lead magnet to grow your mailing list.
We hope that you have found this article helpful, and now see some of the things that you should know about marketing and where to focus on in 2022. Make it as easy as possible as you’re starting out and then with more experience, you’ll be able to tackle more complex marketing strategies. I wish you the very best of luck and hope that this gives your business the results that you have been looking for.
Are you feeling stuck and not sure what to do first or where to even start to grow your business as a coach?
Do you have that constant feeling of dread when it comes to making decisions around marketing, sending out emails, creating content or anything technical?
If you’re feeling ready to make significant progress in 2022 with your coaching business and want to get a clear roadmap before jumping into the deep end, I can help you.
You don’t need to do it alone nor spend thousands of hours and $£$ to reach the next stage of your business.
I am inviting you to join me for a 60-min business consultation call for $99 (or £74 / €87) so that we can go over what’s stopping you from achieving what you want.
You decide on which aspects or stages of your business you wish to focus on, whether you’re still at the beginning of your journey or you’ve already have had some clients but feel like you’re constantly second-guessing your marketing strategy.
No more progressing in the dark every time you create some content, plan your next launch and decide on which marketing strategy will be the most appropriate for your business in order to sign new clients.
We can focus on one of these:
– Defining your dream coaching clients (my fav exercise!) and creating perfect messages encapsulating your brilliance
– Creating your first lead magnet and growing your mailing list
– Understanding how to attract clients to your business by creating magnetic content that brings in a constant flow of dream clients.
You’re in control, you pick the area you want to cover then we meet and strategise to transform your coaching biz.
This power hour includes a 20min follow up session a week later for honest feedback and extra guidance.
Book a free call to find out more about my working style so that you can start making serious progress in 2022 and sign more of your dream clients.
Want to grow your mailing list faster (even as a newbie).
Add these 3 critical components to your freebie to turn your followers into serious subscribers.
↠ so that you gradually grow a list of dream clients willing to hear from you and ready to buy
↠ so that you don’t waste your efforts and money talking to an uninterested audience or freebie seekers
Download now my free PDF guide and learn:
– The most important exercise to attract hundreds of new subscribers every month.
– How to connect your lead magnet to the rest of your offering
– The one thing that will make it 10x more effective once people get access to your freebie.
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